Oi! Kochi
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Unsung Heroes of Tosa:
The Nasu Farmer

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In the daily grind there are different tasks involved in nasu farming. Plants are seldom grown from seed but are purchased rather as seedlings. After about a month these plants have grown considerably and are ready to bear fruit. From there the process begins of caring for the plants, picking the ripe fruit, and removing flowers from around budding nasu to promote growth through the saturation of sunlight. Each plant lasts about nine months and the cycle begins again.

Nasu farmers also get a little help from the insect world when it comes to growing their produce. To aid in the pollination process, bees are purchased to roam free among the plants. "I use about 24,000 bees in my greenhouses each year," he tells me.
"Um, is it dangerous?" I ask.
"Nah, it's fine," he reassures me, though I'm not sure I'm convinced.
Looking about, there are carts and boxes filled with harvested nasu.

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