Oi! Kochi

Driving Me
Round The Bend

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Person C, Country of Origin: United Kingdom
"The now empty car-parking space next to my house is ample proof of the way the new driving regulations in Japan affected me. Whereas last year the space contained a beautiful black white-plate pearler of a road cruiser, there now lies only a faint set of car treads and a rusty mama chari. Even the car treads are destined to vanish with the next typhoon rains. Under the new regulations one may convert an international driving permit into a Japanese license only if you had a license in your native country for more than 3 months prior to your arrival in Japan. This was not the case for me, hence the sale of my car, [since paying for lessons and testing would cost more than the value of it]. The only mystery is how I was deemed able to drive legally for 365 days in Japan, only to wake up the following morning and be a danger to others."

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